Monday, January 25, 2010

Blogging is ... okay

Week four in this course deals with "blogging" and I think I am okay with it. I think that I kinda like it. I have read a few blogs here and there in the past and find them interesting and informative. I am generally a private person and don't feel as comfortable as some publishing my thoughts but I have no problem reading blogs. Most recently, I have read a couple of interior decorating (my hobby) blogs ... in fact I was reading one last night ( forgot to make note of the actual site ;( ... boo). I am not entirely happy with my own blog site but will see what I can do to "freshen" it up.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Ivana. You have hit on an important point...that many of the tools we will be looking at this term have some professional application, but if you can figure out how to make them personally relevant or interesting (e.g. by reading blogs related to a personal interest or hobby) then you will be more likely to apply it professionally as well. I'm glad to hear that you are finding time to read blogs that are related to your hobby.

    In terms of your own blogging--you will probably become more confident in your own blogging as the term goes on. And your blog site looks good--as you play with more tools and embed more widgets and applications it will probably reflect more of your personality!
